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Activity Screen Feature Request

Last post 12-05-2012 6:58 AM by Matt. 5 replies.
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  • 11-02-2012 12:13 PM

    Activity Screen Feature Request

    It would be great if a document from Method's document center could be attached when sending an email from the activity screen.

    Mark Crews
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  • 11-02-2012 4:37 PM In reply to

    Re: Activity Screen Feature Request

    It would be great if a document from Method's document center could be attached when sending an email from the activity screen.

    Mark - we're looking into this now and will post up if it's possible.  Technically it should be possible but we're working on the solution before confirming a yes or no on this.  Look for a reply early next week from us!


  • 11-15-2012 8:22 AM In reply to

    Re: Activity Screen Feature Request


    It would be great if a document from Method's document center could be attached when sending an email from the activity screen.


    After running some tests on this it's not possible to attach a document to an email from the activity screen.  From my testing the only way you're able to attach a document to an email is if you have the document field available on screen.  I'm going to submit a feature request for my team but I can't say if or when this feature will be added.  I'll keep you updated!


  • 12-04-2012 5:54 PM In reply to

    • Matt
    • Top 10 Contributor
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    Re: Activity Screen Feature Request


    Just in case you're keeping a tally, I also have a client that would like to see this implemented.

    Matt Raiser



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  • 12-05-2012 5:44 AM In reply to

    Re: Activity Screen Feature Request


    @Matt & @Mark - we've got this as a potential feature request but I'm not sure if this will be something we plan to put in as a stock feature of the activity screen. So if a client is in desperate need of this now, best to build out the functionality now.


  • 12-05-2012 6:58 AM In reply to

    • Matt
    • Top 10 Contributor
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    Re: Activity Screen Feature Request


    I should have been more clear. My client is looking to send an email with multiple attachments from the Document Library, which would make having the document field on the same screen impossible. I was referring to whatever needs to be done on the back end to allow a document library document to be sent as an email attachment without the need for the field on the screen, which I presume would need to be taken care of before the Activity screen could be customized.

    Matt Raiser



    ~ Method user / partner since 2008

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