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Changing column widths in grids when using filters

Last post 02-18-2013 8:43 AM by Method_Adam. 6 replies.
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  • 02-14-2013 5:24 PM

    • Rolf
    • Top 50 Contributor
    • Joined on 09-18-2011
    • Posts 109

    Changing column widths in grids when using filters

    I have a problem in some of my grids which has been an isssue for quite some time.

    When we type something into the filter fields of a grid, another column pops up on the right hand side with the little symbol used for clearing the filters. Sometimes this is not a problem, as the column width is very small; while in other grids that column could be as much as a third of the total grid width.

    I'd appreciate any advice on what's causing this, and how to  fix it.



  • 02-15-2013 8:57 AM In reply to

    Re: Changing column widths in grids when using filters



    I'm assuming you mean this symbol:

    I can't seem to recreate it.  How are your grid set up?  In all of the settings I could think of, its just a small column to the very right.

    - Adam

    Adam Lyons
    Manager of Support
    Method Integration
  • 02-15-2013 3:53 PM In reply to

    • Rolf
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    Re: Changing column widths in grids when using filters


    Yes, that's the symbol I'm referring to. 

    My grids are generally set up with auto grow, users can set their own filters, and a combination of pixel and percentage choices for the column width.

    I don't know how to duplicate this problem either.  


  • 02-15-2013 4:20 PM In reply to

    • Rolf
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    Re: Changing column widths in grids when using filters



    Further to my last post, I played around with the values of some of the column widths on one of my grids, and the problem went away. So, it appears to be something in the algorithm used to calculate the actual column widths in the displayed grid.

    Hope that helps.


  • 02-15-2013 4:40 PM In reply to

    Re: Changing column widths in grids when using filters


    Glad to hear you got it worked out, and thanks for the heads up on the column widths. 

    - Adam

    Adam Lyons
    Manager of Support
    Method Integration
  • 02-15-2013 7:12 PM In reply to

    • Rolf
    • Top 50 Contributor
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    Re: Changing column widths in grids when using filters


    The problem isn't resolved yet, I still have it in numerous other grids, and I don't know what the actual issue is.  It did go away in one grid, but I didn't do anything different than usual.


  • 02-18-2013 8:43 AM In reply to

    Re: Changing column widths in grids when using filters


    I'll do some testing to see if I can replicate it.  I'll post back here with my findings.

    - Adam

    Adam Lyons
    Manager of Support
    Method Integration
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