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Email Documents Uploaded into Method

Last post 02-27-2013 2:42 PM by Method_Jason. 1 replies.
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  • 02-27-2013 11:33 AM

    Email Documents Uploaded into Method

    I have documents uploaded in Method.  I can not find anywhere on here or support center how to get that document to a potential customer via email with a a prewritten template.  


  • 02-27-2013 2:42 PM In reply to

    Re: Email Documents Uploaded into Method


    Hi babbott, 

    This is a feature that is currently not built into Method but can be added through some customization. You could start by creating a new screen that is based off the DocumentLibrary table. From here you would have to add the Document field and a grid and retrieve the selected document in a Send Email action. If you need any futher assistance please check out this related forum post

    - Jason

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