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Hidden: invisible when screen first loads

Last post 03-19-2013 4:48 PM by Method_Jason. 2 replies.
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  • 03-04-2013 10:21 PM

    Hidden: invisible when screen first loads

    So I am trying to get a custom radio button to be hidden when screen loads until conditions are met to un hide. Ive checked the box labled Hidden: invisible when screen first loads but it is coming up when i first load he page.  What am i doing wrong.

  • 03-05-2013 9:44 AM In reply to

    Re: Hidden: invisible when screen first loads


    Hi Chris, 

    I was able to replicate this issue on my account. It seems that the Hidden: invisible when screen first loads checkbox is not functioning properly at the moment. I'll put a ticket in with the team to fix this. In the meantime there is another way to hide a radio button on screen load that works the same way. When editing the screen, click on the Advanced... button near the top left of the screen beside the screen name. Step two of the screen properties will allow you to set actions that are triggered on screen load. Use the action Show/Hide Field/Object and select the radio button.

    - Jason

    Need more help? Ask us about Method consulting services

    Jason Masina
    Community Support Specialist
    Method Integration Inc.
    Toll Free: 1.888.925.6238
    Local and overseas: 416.847.0400
    Fax: 416.640.6027
  • 03-19-2013 4:48 PM In reply to

    Re: Hidden: invisible when screen first loads


    Hi Chris, 

    Good news! This has been fixed on the latest version of Method. Thanks for posting about the issue. 

    - Jason 

    Need more help? Ask us about Method consulting services

    Jason Masina
    Community Support Specialist
    Method Integration Inc.
    Toll Free: 1.888.925.6238
    Local and overseas: 416.847.0400
    Fax: 416.640.6027
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