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changing a work order name

Last post 04-01-2013 9:39 AM by Method_Ashur. 1 replies.
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  • 03-30-2013 2:16 PM

    changing a work order name

    Let's say that I create a recurring work order name 'Lawn mowing' and I schedule this to several customers.

    Six months later I decide that I want to change the name of the service from "Lawn mowing" to "Mow, Edge and BLow".

    Can this be done?

  • 04-01-2013 9:39 AM In reply to

    Re: changing a work order name


    Hi Marcelo,

    Yes this can be done. Keep in mind that the job name will change for the entire series and all occurrences still connected to the series, so if an occurrence is broken from the series then its job name won't update.

    - Ashur

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    Ashur Shamon
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