This question came in from Patrick:
I downloaded the custom report builder, and added SKU to the estimate, except it is showing same SKU over and over instead of a new SKU matching the description.
Hi Patrick,
Where is this field added in Method? In the Estimate table or the EstimateLine table? Should this SKU match up with each item in the Estimate? When adding fields to a report, something to pay attention to is the detail table. You'll want to make sure you are adding the correct field. If you were to look at one of our stock estimate reports, you'll see that there are two EstimateLine field lists. You'll probably want to add the field from the Estimate > EstimateLine field list. I've outlined in the screen below what the field should probably look like. If you've added your customer SKU field to the correct table, it should appear as a field in the EstimateLine.Estimate list in the screen. If you add that field into the Detail band, it should populate with each individual item.
Let me know if I'm on the right track with this. Hope this helps.
- Adam