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Linking Tables via Dropdown Only Shows RecordID

Last post 07-29-2013 3:21 PM by Method_Adam. 1 replies.
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  • 07-26-2013 7:24 PM

    Linking Tables via Dropdown Only Shows RecordID

    Okay, I've read about five posts all on the same subject, and none of the solutions provided by those posts is working for me. Here is what I am doing:

    I've created a table to be used for temporary storage during a multi-step, multi-grid process. The table contains two fields that I am trying to link via dropdown: ItemID, and PurchaseOrderLineID. All I want to do is to create a link to the Item table, and to the PurchaseOrderLine table via these text fields, both of which are set to UNIQUE. Yet, when I go to try and create a dropdown to an existing table, the only option that's showing up is RecordID.

    Why are ItemID and PurchaseOrderLineID not showing up in the dropdown? What am I doing wrong?


    I just realized what I was doing wrong. The dropdown link itself IS the unique field. I had this thing upside down & backwards. So, the dropdown field is where the unique associated record IDs are to be stored. It is the unique, linkable fields in the child table that would contain the unique text fields that would show in the dropdown, not the other way around, which is why RecordID is usually the only field that shows in the dropdown. I'm just so used to having to build these tables myself at the database level... it would seem you have made it so simple that I was unable to grasp it. Got it now!

  • 07-29-2013 3:21 PM In reply to

    Re: Linking Tables via Dropdown Only Shows RecordID


    Glad to see you got this figured out.  Something else to try if you run into this again is to click "Finish editing fields" in the table you wish to link.  On occassion, the table sometimes needs to be regenerated before the text field options show up.

    - Adam

    Adam Lyons
    Manager of Support
    Method Integration
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