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Editing Activities

Last post 07-24-2013 3:49 PM by Anonymous. 3 replies.
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  • 07-19-2013 3:41 PM

    Editing Activities

    Hello - I'm working on a customized activity screen where certain sections will not appear when creating a new activity but will appear when editing an existing activity. I can't figure out how to show these sections though since it's not a new screen and they will only appear during the editing process. I'm trying to follow the action sets for the existing activity screen and sections but it's not very clear. Can you help?

  • 07-22-2013 5:07 PM In reply to

    Re: Editing Activities


    Hi Kelsey,

    I was able to do what you are requesting by first making a copy of the stock “CRM_AddActivity” Screen.  I edited the screen, and added a new section, let’s call it “Additional Options for Edit Activity”, I added a couple of Fields/Objects to this section, and made sure to click the “Hide” Button in the Header of the section, so that it is hidden by default.  Then, I clicked on the “Advanced” Button from the “Insert Fields and Objects” Section.  Here, I selected the “OnScreenLoad” Action, and located Action Option #5, which is a Start Conditional Statement, with a note, “If screen RecordID > 0 then..”.  This statement tells me that it will load if this is an existing activity, then do the following.  So, I have added a new action directly below this, as option #6, the action dropdown will be “Show/Hide Section”.  When editing this action, you can select the Section to use, and then select the OptionAlways Show”.  Please refer to my screenshots below hopefully they will help go along with what I have written.  If you are looking for a more in-depth or advanced way to do this, you may want to reach out to a Method Consultant, contact information can be found here.

    End Result - Existing ActivityEditActivityEnd Result - Add Activity

    New Activity

    Example of Screen Edit:




  • 07-24-2013 2:12 PM In reply to

    Re: Editing Activities

    Thank you, Ben. The “If screen RecordID > 0 then..” part is what I was missing.

  • 07-24-2013 3:49 PM In reply to

    Re: Editing Activities

    Hi Kelsey,

    I am glad we could help. I could tell by your post that you were close, so I am glad you got that little bit of info you needed to proceed.



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