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Add Documents Grid w/Filter to Vendor Screen

Last post 10-23-2013 8:18 AM by Anonymous. 0 replies.
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  • 10-23-2013 8:18 AM

    Add Documents Grid w/Filter to Vendor Screen

    Hello Fellow Method Users,

    We had a user ask how hard it would be to get the Documents grid to display on the Vendor Screen, similar to how the Documents tab would get displayed on the Edit Customer Screen.  I figured this might be a good topic to add to the forums because this could be beneficial to any Method users that require Documents to be associated with their specific Vendors and have a place where it would be easy to sort for this.

    Assuming you have already created a copy of your original CRMQBO_VendorList or CRM_VendorList...., create a new section, I labeled mine "Documents" that will be added to the bottom of your screen (it will show up as another tab on the Vendor_List Screen).  Add a grid object to your new section, and make sure you check off "Detached"  grid option and select the DocumentLibraryLink Table.  Add all the fields you want to have displayed in your new grid, keep in mind the field labeled "Entity" will likely be important to add for filter purposes, as this is really the Vendor Name field.  Now go to "Step 3 of 9: Filters", this is where you can set an additional filter as a default, so when you load this grid after selecting a specific Vendor, your grid will only display Documents that have been related to that Vendor.  Add a new the filter view, I labeled mine, "Vendor Docs Only" and made this the default from the checkbox option.  Then in the next step, choose the "Entity" field, then "Insert Filter…".  For the "Grid Filter" pop-up, you should already have Entity as the Field, and Filter as "Equal to", then make sure "get value from" has "value from screen" selected, and Select Value will be "Vendor Name"…Refer to the screenshot below of the last step, and look in the background to see the new "Documents" Section" and grid added to the default Screen.  

    That is just about it, you have now added a tabbed section to your VendorList screen.Now, whenever you press the "Select" link in your Vendor's grid on the left, you can then navigate to your new tabbed section and by default you can will be viewing all Documents associated with the Vendor you just selected. You can continue on with this example by adding more features to your new section, I would suggest to view the EditCustomer screen to compare how some other features were added on that screen, and attempt to replicate that on your new Vendor screen. Please let me know if you have any questiosn about anything in this post.


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