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First Method implementation

Last post 03-20-2014 3:02 PM by Anonymous. 1 replies.
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  • 03-18-2014 4:46 PM

    First Method implementation

    2 questions:

    INactive customers - do they all come over with the first sync?


    Client signed up for CRM & FSM and needs to run parallel with their current FSM product that is syncing to QB.  In order to test though, we need to sync QB to Method. How do we work with a non-live file while doing customization for them and the client running parallel?


    Thanks a ton!!!


    Nancy @ The Bottom Line

  • 03-20-2014 3:02 PM In reply to

    Re: First Method implementation

    Hi Nancy, and welcome to our Forums,

    Q1: INactive customers - do they all come over with the first sync?

    - Yes, on your first sync, your inactive Customers should get synced over to Method.  If you don't see them from your Customers->Customers and Contacts List screen in Method, make sure you have selected the "view filter" at the top of the grid to "Shared Inactive Customer Contacts

    Q2: Client signed up for CRM & FSM and needs to run parallel with their current FSM product that is syncing to QB.  In order to test though, we need to sync QB to Method. How do we work with a non-live file while doing customization for them and the client running parallel?

    - I am not completely sure I know what you mean here, however I will do my best to answer, please let me know if you meant something different if I am wrong.  If you were sync with a "test" or non-live QuickBooks Company File, this can be done, however if you then decide to sync with your live Company File at a later date, then you would have do a reset on your account.  If we were to do a reset with your Method Account, technically you would lose all data that doesn't sync over to QuickBooks, as well any Customization that you have done in Method.  This is the only way because as soon as you sync up with one Company File, there are some identifiers/ID numbers used in the backend that we don't see, but these numbers would get messed up if you tried syncing to two different Company Files.


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