We purchase items to be stored and sold out of a warehouse but we also sell direct from our suppliers to our customers. The current view in the Purchase order screen list all items in alphabetical order and lists the item for both the inventory and non-inventory versions.
For example
Customer A wants to but 15 widgets from us and have them shipped to him. We don't have that many in stock so we send a PO to the supplier to ship direct to the customer.
The next we decide to put in a stock order to bring the items into our warehouse to have to fulfill future orders.
In our system we have two item codes for widgets
Inventory = Widget_Acme
Non-Inventory = Widget Acme
Is it possible to filter the item selections in the purchase order screen based on where the items are shipping to, so that any direct shipments to customers only the non-inventory items show up? Conversely if the item ordered is to go to the warehouse that only Inventory items appear in the grid?