Adding a TagList to the Entity or Customer table is the best way to achieve what you want within Method. Since you are adding the tags on the customer level, you might run into limitations if you are already using tags on the contact level, let me know if you are so we can create a new solution. In any case, here are the steps of creating the solution you want, but before you do so, make sure that the tags field in your spreadsheet are separated by commas; for example, if you have a customer called Marwan and has the tags Cookies, brownies, crepes; in your spreadsheet make them so that that cell looks like ",Cookies,brownies,crepes," starting and ending with a comma (using an excel formula is the easiest way to achieve this). After that is done you can start the customization in Method:
1. click on the Customize tab
2. Go to the Tables/Fields tab link
3. Look for the Entity table and click it
4. In Field Name: TagList - Fielt Type: Text - size: 4000
5. Click on Add Field
6. Click on Finish Editing Table
7. Go to the Customers tab -> New Customer tab link
8. right click anywhere on the screen and then click customize
9. make sure the 'customize a copy of this screen' is selected, give it a new name if you want -> continure (could take a while ~1 min - 3 min)
10. You'll be redirected into the customization screen, in the Toolbox section look for the TagList field and drag and drop it ontto an empty row on the screen as shown in this screenshot
11. (optional) Expand it by clicking on the double headed arrow next to Edit
12. Hit Save & Close next to the red Publish button -> Hit "OK" when prompted about the customization message
13. You should now see a tag icon on the screen (screenshot). IMPORTANT: You will have to enter all the tags manually first by clicking on the tag icon and creating all your tags as you have them in your .csv spreadsheet
14. Once you are done entering your tags into Method, go to the Customize tab -> integration tool -> Go to Import / Export
15. Follow the importing wizard and import to the customer or leads table -> match the tags field in your spreadsheet to the TagList field in Method
If you have multiple numbers of tags in your spreadsheet and entering them manually is still infeasible, your best option would be to contact a Method customization consultant to help you do it as the solution for that is more complex. I hope your case is not as complex and this solves your problem. Let me know if you need clarification or have more questions.