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Last post 05-20-2010 1:14 PM by Anonymous. 1 replies.
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  • 05-19-2010 3:34 PM


    Good Afternoon:

    I have about 4 different QB files - Enterprise - for different companies.

    I open the PWC QB file and Synchronize the synchronization engine says it's synchronizing with the FFX database. When I open method though all the data is from the correct PWC file. So in other words - the synchronization engine is not correctly displaying the database it is synchronizing with.

    Does this make sense? is there anything I can do so that it displays properly? This discrepancy concerns me.

    Thank you for your help - Jacob

  • 05-20-2010 1:14 PM In reply to



     Hi Jacob,

    When dealing with multiple QuickBooks file, you need to ensure you have the correct QuickBooks file open when you are doing the initial sync with Method. From the post it appears as though the incorrect QuickBooks file was opened during the initial sync. It might be best to cancel the method account that is not syncing to the correct QuickBooks file. Sign up for a new account and ensure you have the correct QuickBooks file open, once the sync is completed, close out of QuickBooks and reopen QuickBooks to that company file and the engine should pick up the right account. To verify this is working properly, you can open another QuickBooks file and the engine should automatically pick it up. If this doesn't work kindly call into our office and a Business Systems Consultant would be able to help you.

    Hope this helps.

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