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Create customer-facing help page

Last post 02-13-2015 1:20 PM by Method_Justin. 3 replies.
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  • 02-12-2015 12:37 PM

    Create customer-facing help page

    My company is looking into MethodCRM and I have a question about the Customer Portal and customization. Can the Customer Portal be turned into a help page where customers would have access to a knowledge base we create for our products? For example, offers the ability to skin their portal to look like our website so customers can self serve on the help page and then, if they have an issue that can't be resolved searching the knowledge base, they can send an email to support which creates a case. Can we do this with Method?  If not, is it possible to create a separate tab/portal that serves as a help page?

  • 02-12-2015 1:04 PM In reply to

    Re: Create customer-facing help page


    Hi sdminno,

    This is most definitely possible. Our stock Contacts Portal already contains a Search Solutions tablink, which will allow your customers to search through any Solutions you have entered in Method that are not marked as Internal. The portal currently is not skinnable, however you can customize it to show your customers any of the data that exists in Method.

    Hope this helps.

    - Justin 

    Justin Henderiks
    Technical Sales Specialist
    Method Integration Inc.
    Toll Free: 1.888.925.6238
    Local and overseas: 416.847.0400
    Fax: 416.640.6027
  • 02-12-2015 1:42 PM In reply to

    Re: Create customer-facing help page

    Thanks for responding so quickly! I noticed in the Customer Portal video it says we can use the default portal or create our own portal 'and go wild with that', so I was wondering if 'going wild' means designing with our web developer to have a different look/feel to the portal. Or is that level of customization not really an option. Does that make sense?

  • 02-13-2015 1:20 PM In reply to

    Re: Create customer-facing help page

    Hi sdminno,

    When your customers log in to your portal, they're essentially logging into your Method account. They are locked down in terms of the screens they can see (only screens in the Contacts Portal tab of Method), and there are some built-in security features (they'll only be able to see things  associated with their Customer record in your account). Because they're logging into Method, it'll look like Method, and any visual customization would be limited to what you can make Method look like.

    Hope this helps.

    - Justin

    Justin Henderiks
    Technical Sales Specialist
    Method Integration Inc.
    Toll Free: 1.888.925.6238
    Local and overseas: 416.847.0400
    Fax: 416.640.6027
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