I got a problem that can not set value to a field of a new created item line in a purchase order.
My scenario is:
1. I have a "Depot" table, which has a "Location" field (text, unique)
2. In PurchaseOrderLine, I add a pushdown field "DepotLocation" which points to "Location" field of "Depot" table.
3. In "PurchaseOrder" Screen, I add a "Vendor Location" textbox. (this textbox will display "City" value of a Vendor)
4. In PurchaseOrderLine Grid, I add "DepotLocation" as one column.
5. What I want is, whenever I add a new item line by clicking "New Line Item...", I can enter value from "Vendor Location" to "DepotLocation" field of the new created item line.
What I did now is, in "Grid Wizard for "PurchaseOrderLine", Step 6 of 9, for event "Actions After Add",
Start Loop through Grid (for only new/modified row)
Enter value into field on Screen (update "PurchaseOrderLine:DepotLocation by Value from Screen "Vendor Location")
End loop through Grid
6. But actually, there is no value add to that field whenever I click "New Line Item..."
Is there anything wrong with my actions?