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With the QuickBooks sync "jobs" were imported into the "customer name" field

Last post 02-19-2015 12:05 PM by Method_Justin. 1 replies.
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  • 02-18-2015 5:51 PM

    • EED
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    • Joined on 02-18-2015
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    With the QuickBooks sync "jobs" were imported into the "customer name" field

    We are just starting to use method. The sync with quickbooks imported the "jobs" in as the "customer name". This has created a contact for each job we ever did with that customer.  It's a list of the same person again and again for every job.  I've watched many of the videos and I don't see any showing this same issue.

    How do we fix all our duplicate contacts that have now?

    How do we keep it from happening again? Is there a setting that should be changed?



  • 02-19-2015 12:05 PM In reply to

    Re: With the QuickBooks sync "jobs" were imported into the "customer name" field


    Hi EED,

    In QuickBooks and Method, Customers and Jobs are considered "Entities". To create a Job of a Customer is to create a sub-Entity of a Customer (or essentially, sub-Customer), so the name of a job is stored in the same Name field that a Customer's name is.

    Every Entity/Customer in QuickBooks has a Primary Contact associated with it, which is why you're getting these duplicates (since Method is a CRM and is Contact-centric, we list by Contact in our stock Customer/Contacts List). A lot of the time, the reasons for tracking a Customer:Job as a separate Entity in QuickBooks/Method include having a different Contact on file for that specific Job, such as a contractor who may be the first point of contact for that project.

    If you wanted to, you could create different filter views for the Customer/Contacts List (one that shows just Jobs, one that shows just Customers, etc.), but this would make searching less seamless.

    Hope this helps.

    - Justin

    Justin Henderiks
    Technical Sales Specialist
    Method Integration Inc.
    Toll Free: 1.888.925.6238
    Local and overseas: 416.847.0400
    Fax: 416.640.6027
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