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Integration Engine Push Status - Connection Failure

Last post 06-15-2010 12:02 PM by Anonymous. 4 replies.
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  • 06-03-2010 9:01 AM

    Integration Engine Push Status - Connection Failure

    I'm a new user so excuse me if this is a newbie question.

    I have just installed Method and I am setting up my files and performing my first synchronization.  I see that information is coming accross in things appear to be working.  However, on the Method Integration Engine Dialog box I see that my Method  PUSH Status is showing a "Connection Failure."  I see from a previous post that this may be due to corporate firewall restrictions...yes, I am behind a my question is what settings or ports do I need opened in order for the Method PUSH to work correctly?



  • 06-03-2010 10:32 AM In reply to

    Re: Integration Engine Push Status - Connection Failure

     Hey Ottawa,

    Method uses a random port each time it connects, to setup a specified port range for Method, follow the steps below:

    a.    Navigate to the Engine Log folder. 

    If you are using Windows XP, the Engine Log folder is typically “C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\MethodIntegration”. 

    if you are using Vista or later, the Engine Log folder is typically “C:\ProgramData\MethodIntegration”.
    Note: If you are using Vista or later and do not see this folder, you must edit your computer settings to show hidden folders:

    b.    Create an empty text file called “MethodPush.config”.

    c.    Edit the MethodPush.config file.

    d.    Put the following into the contents of the file, where 3000 is an example for the lowest port number in your IT manager’s desired range, and 3100 is an example of the highest port number in your IT manager’s acceptable range.


    e.    Save and close the file.

    f.     In the Method Integration Engine click Disconnect, and then Connect.


  • 06-14-2010 1:54 PM In reply to

    Re: Integration Engine Push Status - Connection Failure

     Hi Ryan,

    Thanks for the help.  I followed your instructions however, I am still getting the "Connection Failure".... Looking in the MethodIntegration folder and looking at the EngineLog.txt file I see a number of errors stating "Connection could not be made because the target machine actively refused it this would appear that it is the MethodServer refusing me... and not me refusing the Method server...does that make sense?  Should I call "Tech Support" to assist with this?

    Thanks again,


  • 06-15-2010 11:48 AM In reply to

    Re: Integration Engine Push Status - Connection Failure

    Hey David,

    Check with your IT people and see if you have any software that is blocking Network Traffic. We are also looking into this on our end. I will update this thread when I hear from them.

  • 06-15-2010 12:02 PM In reply to

    Re: Integration Engine Push Status - Connection Failure

     Hey David,

    When I first posted above, I had you confused with another user of ours.

    Can you please email me your company name. Please send it to I need to confirm some details on your account.

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