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How do you import "lines" on Purchase Orders or Estimates when you can't locate the RecordID

Last post 09-01-2010 2:34 PM by Anonymous. 3 replies.
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  • 08-31-2010 1:30 AM

    • DianeG
    • Top 500 Contributor
    • Joined on 06-23-2010
    • Posts 7

    How do you import "lines" on Purchase Orders or Estimates when you can't locate the RecordID

    I'm trying to import large, ongoing quantities of 3rd-party Purchase Orders and Estimates via spreadsheet into Method and then to QuickBooks.  This apparently needs to be a 2-step process, where you need to import the "Top" part of the transaction, followed by another import of the specific line items needed.  The import of the top part seems to work OK in Method, but it apparently generates a Record ID in the background that you need to know when bringing in the specific line Items. 

    So where can you access this mysterious number?  For P.O.s I can currently see on the design side of the form that this field should be visible, but it doesn't show up on the actual transaction itself, so it becomes "invisible".  And of course, even if we could see it/find it, having to manually look up a specific Record ID for each P.O. or Estimate to be generated (likely 50-100 at a time)and then manually entering it into a second spreadsheet to cover up to hundreds of lines per Estimate, and multiple lines per P.O. totally defeats the purpose of automating the process.

    Isn't there any other way to "link" these two parts of P.O. and Estimate transactions together so that they can be imported without having to go through some manual lookup process?   Like maybe linking via the PO number vs. the Record ID?  I would think the same problem would apply to Invoices....

    Additionally I was able to get one PO to post into QuickBooks, but was not able to get another one in (in spite of incrementing the Record ID by 1).

    Thanks for anyone's help - as I'm meeting with the client after having promised big things with Method that are now starting to look impossible....

  • 08-31-2010 3:09 PM In reply to

    Re: How do you import "lines" on Purchase Orders or Estimates when you can't locate the RecordID

    Hey Diane,

    I hear you spoke with Val and he gave you a some idea's to get this completed. I wanted to post on here some answers to your questions so others can learn from it.

    First off, the import tool was not designed to import transactions, this tool was designed to import records 1 table at a time. Yes it is possible to import the transactions using this tool, but it is a 2 step process.

    Another way you can get this process automated would be to create an API script. Either way, it comes down to how QB accepts imported transactions. You must send the top portion of the invoice (Customer, Billing, Comments...etc) first, then you can import the Line Items after. This logic MUST be built into any API script in order for it to work correctly. This has nothing to do with Method and everything to do with QB.

    As for the RecordID, I know that it is possible to view the RecordID on the screen. If you have customized a default Method screen and find the RecordID field already on the screen, check to make sure its not hidden under the advanced properties for that field.


  • 08-31-2010 6:30 PM In reply to

    • DianeG
    • Top 500 Contributor
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    • Posts 7

    Re: How do you import "lines" on Purchase Orders or Estimates when you can't locate the RecordID

    Hi Ryan,

    Thanks for helping to respond.  Yes, I understand about the 2-step process and why it's necessary.  It's just that it seems impossible to perform the second step without knowing the Record ID as that's what links the 2nd step line items back into the Estimate header (the first step)!

    I still can't see the Record ID on the P.O. screen.  I could send you (offline) screen shots of both the customize screen where it's clearly visible and the resulting P.O. screen....  Here's what I did:

    1.  I went back into the customized P.O. screen, edited the Record ID field, found in the advanced area where the "hidden" box was checked, unchecked it, saved it, then published it.

    2.  Then I went back to the P.O. screen, selected a P.O. and refreshed - nothing shows up. 

    3.  Then I logged out and logged back in.  Still nothing showing up.

    4.  Then I went back to the customize screen and checked under the Advanced Properties again and noticed that no font color was selected, so I chose black.  Then saved it, published it, and went back to the Purchase Order screen, refreshed, and still nothing...

    Can you see the RecordID on YOUR P.O. screen?  Maybe I'm blind and I'm willing to send you screen shots of the advanced properties screen of the RecordID, the customize screen where it's clearly visible, and the resulting P.O. screen where it's not.

    In the meantime, Val helped to dream up a special "work-around" that we'll need to test to determine that it works, but I'm still wondering about the "hidden" RecordID, and why it's not visible.


  • 09-01-2010 2:34 PM In reply to

    Re: How do you import "lines" on Purchase Orders or Estimates when you can't locate the RecordID

    Hey Diane,

    I customized my PO screen and went into the properties for the RecordID field. Once in the properties I could see that the field is in fact hidden by default. I switched it to not hidden and selected "Save & Close". Once the screen closed, I selected the PO I customized from my Screen List. I can now see the RecordID field, and when I select a record, the RecordID is populated.

    Double check that you are viewing the correct screen, it's possible that your tab's did not regenerate after you copied the PO screen.
    To regenerate your tabs, log into your Method account, right click on any of the tabs(Customer list, Home, Sales Center...etc) and you should be prompted to refresh the page. Once the page refresh's check the PO screen, you should be able to see the field.
    This should get you on track.

    One last point, you don’t need to add any colors to the RecordID field under the advanced options.


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