Here is the issue:
1. I have a calculated value, and store in a shared result "SO_NO"
2. get this shared result "SO_NO" to an action result "ACTION_SO_NO"
3. insert a new record to a Table (Sales Order) with "ACTION_SO_NO" as the refNum
The problem is, refNum of Sales Order table is sometimes empty (2 of 5 tests). However, to show ACTION_SO_NO on the screen, it has value.
One of your staff suggest me to put SO_NO or ACTIO_SO_NO on the screen, then insert the value on screen to refNum while creating Sales Order. the result seems the same.
The only thing I can do is to dump my action result on screen, however I have no way to know the value actully insert to a table. May I know how to debug this kind of error?