I figured out a difference approach. I created 3 Date Fields using the AddDay function for 30,60,90 days ago and then made my formula based off that.
I really wanted to see the DATEDIFF fuction get incorporated because this is a great tool for aging reports.
Thanks anyways. I think I figure out what I need!!
Here is my code for future reference and for others:
30Days: AddDays(Today(), -30)
60 Days: AddDays(Today(), -60)
90 Days: AddDays(Today(), -90)
AgedGroup: Iif([CallReport.DateRcvd] >= [CallReport.Day30Date], '≤30 Days',Iif([CallReport.DateRcvd] < [CallReport.Day30Date] AND [CallReport.DateRcvd] >= [CallReport.Day60Date],'31-60 Days' ,Iif([CallReport.DateRcvd] < [CallReport.Day60Date] AND [CallReport.DateRcvd] >= [CallReport.Day90Date],'61-90 Days' ,'>90 Days')))