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Custom Fields Erased on Method Synchronize

Last post 11-22-2010 10:23 AM by akoumjian. 10 replies.
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  • 11-18-2010 12:44 PM

    Custom Fields Erased on Method Synchronize

    We have added custom fields to the EstimateList table. These custom fields include lines such as "Unit Price." These fields are saved to the database and work great when we close an Estimate and open it back up later. Today we noticed that all of our custom fields from past Estimates were blank.

    After some testing, I can confirm that as soon as Method synchronizes with our Quickbooks file, it erases the data in all of these custom fields. Please help!

  • 11-19-2010 8:23 AM In reply to

    Re: Custom Fields Erased on Method Synchronize

  • 11-19-2010 8:42 AM In reply to

    Re: Custom Fields Erased on Method Synchronize

     Hi Akoumjian,

    The way the estimate screen handles saving custom field values is reliant on first retrieving an Estimate # from QuickBooks.

    At present, in order for a custom field value to be saved correctly, an estimate record must have an estimate # associated with that record. The catch 22 here is that Method pulls this Estimate # value from Quickbooks, which naturally cannot happen until you save the record and sync with quickbooks. You will notice that creating a new line item works, but under the "estimate #" column, no number will appear.

    For the time being, there is a workaround. When creating a new line item, hit save before entering a custom field value. Then refresh on the left-hand side to verify an "estimate #" has been assigned to the record, and return to that record to enter any custom values, and then click save again. The value will now be retained. I have filed a bug report with our developers, and as soon as this issue has been resolved, we'll update this post.


  • 11-19-2010 9:28 AM In reply to

    Re: Custom Fields Erased on Method Synchronize

    Thank you for the honest response. That is a rather egregious bug, because it means that not only does the Method Sync have to be open, but I have to wait at least 5 minutes for the records to synchronize before I can start working on an estimate.

    Do you see a backend fix for this in the near future? This effectively breaks some of the promises that were made about Method when we signed up.

  • 11-19-2010 9:58 AM In reply to

    Re: Custom Fields Erased on Method Synchronize

     Hi Akoumjian,

    We apologize for the inconvenience, it is indeed a bug, and the above is only a temporary work around. Just to address your comment about waiting, I want to emphasize that the only immediate change to your workflow if you have Sync Engine open is an additional press of the save button prior to entering a custom value, you don't have to perform a sync. Please be assured however, that we have made this a top priority for our development team and we'll update you the moment it's resolved.


  • 11-19-2010 10:33 AM In reply to

    Re: Custom Fields Erased on Method Synchronize

    Hi Denis,

    I just tested this process and have to disagree. Method Sync is open. I create a new Estimate, add the Customer and nothing else. I Saved. I then proceed to add items to the Estimate, the custom fields fill in and are saved. I click Save a second time.

    After a moment I wait, then I refresh the left screen and select the Estimate, the custom fields are gone.

    The same thing occurs if perform the initial Save, then refresh the left screen and re-select the Estimate before adding to the custom fields.


  • 11-19-2010 10:57 AM In reply to

    Re: Custom Fields Erased on Method Synchronize

     Can I get an ETA on a permanent and real fix for this?

    Because the custom fields are part of the EstimateLine table, in order for the custom fields to be saved, each line item has to be created once. Then it has to be saved with those line items, then we have to go back and fill in the custom fields manually in order for them to stay (normally the custom fields fill in when you load the item in the EstimateLine).

  • 11-19-2010 12:50 PM In reply to

    Re: Custom Fields Erased on Method Synchronize

     Hi Akoumjian,

    Altough the workaround is entirely temporary it seems to work on my end when I test this. If you don't have direct access to the QB file it may be difficult to tell if the change is going through correctly, however the developers are looking at this issue, and we will have an ETA for you by Monday, but we do expect to fix the issue as soon as humanly possible.

    Thank you again for your patience,


  • 11-22-2010 9:02 AM In reply to

    Re: Custom Fields Erased on Method Synchronize

    Thanks Denis.

    Do the developers have an ETA yet?

  • 11-22-2010 9:07 AM In reply to

    Re: Custom Fields Erased on Method Synchronize


    Hi Alec,

    Happy Monday. Our hard-working, sleep-deprived developers have resolved the issue. Smile I've tested it out on my machine and it seems to be working, kindly try it out and let me know if this has been resolved on your end.


  • 11-22-2010 10:23 AM In reply to

    Re: Custom Fields Erased on Method Synchronize

    Happy Monday, indeed.

    I've tested it out, and so far it appears to be working.  Tell your developers who worked over the weekend on this that we very much appreciate the speedy response.

    Thank you, Denis. Your support up until this point has also been prompt and helpful.

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