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Last post 10-20-2011 4:30 PM by Method_Michael. 1 replies.
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  • 10-20-2011 2:38 PM


    Realativley new to the program but here it is- Oppourutnity screen gets locked open on the customer screen until I reboot.


    Logged in and went to create a new lead master entity then went to create job locations for the lead as he had 4 different locations.  When I realized his primary info would not automatically pull I decided to scrap the job part and just create oppourtunites instead.

    So I deleted the first job I had done leaving just the master lead file. Found I could not pull up the client by leads anymore but only by customer search (where they show up as a lead?)

    Went on to create the first oppourtunity and activity saved them, went to the home screen to make sure it posted and also checked the activity log as well.

    Returned to the lead screen, got nothing, went to customer screen did a search and there the lead was (I did check the lead selection boxes and opened the list completely), selected the lead and when the screen opened it was locked on the first oppourtunity, re-booted it cleared the screen, created the second oppourtunity and the whole prosess repeated itself through all four.

  • 10-20-2011 4:30 PM In reply to

    Re: Oppourtunities



    I'm not exactly sure what you mean when you refer to the screen getting locked up. Can you post a screenshot or email me a screenshot of this?

    In regards to creating Opportunites/Leads/Customers have you taken a look at our webinars found HERE


    Michael Melo
    Product Manager
    Method Integration Inc.
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