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January Version Bug

Last post 01-31-2012 8:59 AM by Method_Paul. 6 replies.
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  • 01-20-2012 11:16 AM

    • csmp
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    January Version Bug

    Looks as though if users have more tabs than can fit horizontally on the screen, they no longer wrap around, not a huge issue for us since our users only usually have a few tabs available to them.  In addition, the blue dropdown box next to the role box will not fully show, it's covered up by the tabs.

  • 01-20-2012 11:20 AM In reply to

    • csmp
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    Re: January Version Bug

    Forgot to say, I'm using the latest version of Chrome, when switching to the December version, this issue does not occur.

  • 01-21-2012 6:54 AM In reply to

    Re: January Version Bug


    csmp - this will be resolved by the time the January version goes live.

    I saw the work in progress on a Method_Richard's development machine on Friday.  It's looking great. Tabs and Tab link that used to wrap onto a 2nd line, will now fit under a "More" dropdown at the far right.  This should be on the Janauary site early/mid week next week.  For now, stick with the December version.


  • 01-21-2012 7:04 AM In reply to

    • csmp
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    Re: January Version Bug

    Thanks! Everything else seems to be working well! 

  • 01-31-2012 8:27 AM In reply to

    Re: January Version Bug


    @csmp - can you please try the January version again today and see if the issue is resolved for you?

    In situations where there are a gazillion tabs and/or tab links that stretch beyond the screen width, we now nicely wrap them into a "More" tab or tab link.


  • 01-31-2012 8:46 AM In reply to

    • csmp
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    Re: January Version Bug

    Paul,  this looks great! I prefer this to having the tabs wrapping around as they do in the december version.  Our admin account that I use for development (and presenting developed screens) will look much cleaner now!  Also, there was an issue when a user had a ton of tab links, if the last tab link on a line extended beyond the screen, the screen itself extended beyond the edge of the screen.  This upgrade fixes that issue now!

  • 01-31-2012 8:59 AM In reply to

    Re: January Version Bug

    @csmp - great to hear.  I pass on all credit to our developers for tidying that up.

    I agree.....this must look about 100 times more appealing in the situation where there are lots of tabs and tab links!!


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