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A customer converted from Lead will not sync

Last post 02-18-2016 9:25 AM by Method_Morty. 1 replies.
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  • 02-17-2016 4:49 PM

    A customer converted from Lead will not sync

    A customer creaded by converting it from a lead is not visible in Quickbooks. The customer is visible in Method, but not in Quickbooks. I'm getting conflict erros that mention this customer, but don't give me any recourse to correct the issue. 

    Here is one of the identical conflicts:

    QuickBooks returned an error when adding/modifying a accEntity record. The error was: A related object is already in use, or failed to acquire the lock for this object. . The Request was: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252" ?> <?qbxml version="13.0" ?> <QBXML><QBXMLMsgsRq onError="stopOnError"><CustomerAddRq requestID="qx_1"><CustomerAdd><Name>Food Collective</Name><IsActive>1</IsActive><CompanyName>Food Collective</CompanyName><Salutation /><FirstName>Clare</FirstName><MiddleName>Lou</MiddleName><LastName /><JobTitle>Buyer</JobTitle><BillAddress><Addr1>Food Collective</Addr1><Addr2>Clare</Addr2><Addr3 /><City /><State /><PostalCode /><Country /><Note /></BillAddress><ShipAddress><Addr1 /><Addr2 /><Addr3 /><City /><State /><PostalCode /><Country /><Note /></ShipAddress><Phone /><AltPhone /><Fax /><Email></Email><Contact>Clare</Contact><AltContact /><SalesRepRef><ListID>80000001-1327076732</ListID></SalesRepRef><ResaleNumber /><AccountNumber /><CreditCardInfo><CreditCardNumber /><NameOnCard /><CreditCardAddress /><CreditCardPostalCode /></CreditCardInfo><Notes /></CustomerAdd></CustomerAddRq></QBXMLMsgsRq></QBXML>

    Can you help?

  • 02-18-2016 9:25 AM In reply to

    Re: A customer converted from Lead will not sync

    Hey Nicolas,

    Getting mixed responses from my research. One being that it's an internal QuickBooks error, and advised retry syncing the record into QuickBooks.

    Please try clicking on "Retry" on the conflict, follow up with the results and if needed we can take a further look.

    -- Mortaza

    Morty Barighzaai
    Customer Success Manager
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