OK, here is where I am now
I have placed all of the fields I may need on the screen. I then clicked edit on the field I want to be conditional (which is a drop down with about 5 options. I then set it the conditional to the following
Event = Text Change Action = Start Conditonal Statement
Action Result
not equal to
Type in = Thermal Transfer
and add the action. So if I understand I have just said the conditon is true is the drop down field is not equal to "thermal trasfer"
I then added action for show/hide/field object
I choose my field and have tried all three variations. for example toggle, always hide, always show. And I can make the screen change by chaning this. but I think it should be always hide.
IE if it is not equal to Thermal Transfer Hide
I then do a end conditional statement.
This seems to hide the fields even when the condition is not true. I even tried adding a followup that said not only do you always hide when it is not equal to "thermal transfer" but when it is Thermal transfer you always show.
Seems like I am just missing a little something here.