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Closed Opportunity

Last post 03-14-2012 9:34 AM by Anonymous. 16 replies.
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  • 03-13-2012 9:57 AM In reply to

    Re: Closed Opportunity


    In your email, can you also include an example of where this is incorrect in your account?  This way we are able to see the same thing you are and try and see what is happening.  Thanks!

  • 03-14-2012 9:34 AM In reply to

    Re: Closed Opportunity



    Thank you for sending over the screenshot.  This helped me to understand where you were coming from and where the confusion is happening.


    Let me first explain something about the pipeline amount.  The pipeline amount that is associated with an opportunity is updated to reflect the current stage and probability percentage.  As the stage gets closer to closing, the pipeline amount will increase.  This way when you are viewing your opportunities in the pipeline, you can quickly see a dollar amount of all your opportunities in the pipeline.  Once an opportunity is set to closed won, the opportunity is no longer in the pipeline however the pipeline amount will be equal to the amount of the opportunity since it has reached 100% probability.  Of course if the opportunity is lost, the pipeline amount would be set to zero.


    In the screenshot you sent me, you're looking at the "Shared Closed Opportunities" which is just a list of all the opportunities that are both closed won and closed lost.  That's why the pipeline amount is set to either the amount of the opportunity or 0.00.  


    Where the pipeline amount really matters is when your filter view is set to "Shared Opportunities in pipeline" or "My Opportunities in pipeline".  These are your real time view of where your pipeline stands and were you can compare your total amount of potential revenue from opportunities vs. your current pipeline amount.  


    I hope this helps!


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