Currently when using a grid loop action for selected rows if no row is selected an automatic conditional warning shows and no other actions get processed.
There are a number of circumstances where not completing the action set is problematic. For example, when creating an invoice from billable time and expenses from more than 1 grid, ...
Thanks Dave,
I just updated our code to the revised response and everything is working fine.
We experienced the same thing when we developed our new site. For now we've just assumed that an empty string equals Success.
We've already done this for a client. All you need to do is create the second template (report), rename the existing print preview button to indicate which template is used, and add a additional button that uses the second template.
The export to excel action is no longer exporting column subtotals. A client alerted me to the problem and I was able to reproduce it in another account.
This is hard concept for our customers, QuickBooks or Method, to understand. They always see the an invoice, purchase order, etc. as a tangible object. In reality the only thing that persists is the record in a database. Each time a visual representation is needed it is recreated using a report template of some sort.
Paul, ...
Hi Nick_Warren
From what was explained to me you can't do this the manner you are asking/suggesting. There is no way to generate a method report using the API.
The good news is that you can accomplish your end goal by: using your API application to extract the data and having the application generate the report. If you ...
That fixed it. BTW This is my company account so it's over 2 years old.
When adding new customer or customerlead I'm unable to select a sale rep. It may be that dropdown is no populating.