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You searched for the word(s): email
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  • estimate emails not always complete when sending out.

    Greetings, Pressing the save/email button when creating a new estimate is causing issuess. When Method sends a email to the client it now has a attachement of the estimate.  The problme is the estimate is somtimes filled out or some things are missing like estimate  number. If i press the save button then press the save/email button i ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by John M on 11-11-2015
  • Automating Emails after a synch from quickbooks

    Hello. I am trying to find a way to have Method automatically send an email to every customer. 8 months from the date they become a customer. I undertstand there is a way to do this manually, however, i am trying to see if this is an option that would work. For example- We create a new Customer/ order in Qbooks on Jan 8th 2016. . Qbooks synchs ...
  • Can Customer Portal be disabled entirely?

    Hi,   I was asked to repost the following emails for possible solutions in the forum:     Question   To: Wayne Barbaza Subject: Disabling Portal   Hi Wayne   Is there a way to completely disable the customer portal so that nobody from outside our office can log in to their account for any ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Rolf on 11-25-2011
  • Advanced Web Form not functioning

    I walked through the Advanced set up today, generated the code, and pushed to my test website   Upon pressing submit, there is a postback, but I do not get directed to my success page, and really nothing else happens (no emails to 'customer' or 'myself', and there is nothing ...
    Posted to Method:Classic Web Forms (Forum) by xXx_Butane_xXx on 11-24-2011
  • Web form error

     I received this message in an email after a web form was submitted.  The submission email looked Ok.  I did not copy the entire string in the error email but would be happy to e-mail it to you.  Please let me know what I need to do.  I have not received such an error since we began using the web form.  Thanks, ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by GaryK on 07-27-2011
  • Web form error

    I've set up a Web-to-lead form. I spent a while customizing it and tested it out about a dozen times. I received an error email today after a potential customer tried to fill it out the form. I tried to duplicate the form problem myself, but it worked fine. The error email is as follows: "Subject: Error encountered on ...
    Posted to Method:Classic Web Forms (Forum) by SpaScapes on 03-08-2011
  • All my emails from Method are going into my customers junk box

    Good Afternoon. As a test i sent out 10 estimates to my customers. Out of those 10, 9 got the emails sent to their junk email box. One did not get the email.  The email account that i am using is the same account that i have been using for the last few years. Before Method, i would use Outlook and send emails from saved pdf files.  ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by John M on 03-07-2011
  • text change

    I set up an action where everytime an email address changes an email is sent out to the appropriate person.  It works great!  What if the email address change occurs in Quickbooks?  The change obviously shows up in Method, but the text change from QuickBooks doesn't  trigger any action?  Is there a ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by andrea on 07-13-2010
  • Error message while trying to send out activity follow up

    Good morning all.... I am testing out the email in method and am trying to send myself an email.  Unfortunately I am getting an error message: "Error^Action Sequence:31. Error with user authentication;Server says; 550 Unexpected auth error." I went into the customize screen entered my email server address, ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by KellyBorg on 07-08-2010
  • Online account access for customers

    The following message was emailed directly to us.  I'm going to post it and reply to it here on the forum so others in the Method Community can benefit from it. A user submitted the following: "I’m trying to use method but I could not figure out how my customers can access their account (invoices etc) online." I believe ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Anonymous on 02-24-2009
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