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I've tried hard coding a previous PurchaseOrderRecordID but the same issue still occurs.
<MethodAPI response = "Not all required fields are present. Required field PurchaseOrderRef is not passed for the table purchaseorderline" ></MethodAPI>
That seems to be part of the issue. "PurchaseOrderRef" is not in the table UI for the purchaseorderline table.
I've tried something else and I am now getting this error.
<MethodAPI response = "Not all required fields are present. Required field PurchaseOrderRef is not passed for the table purchaseorderline" ></MethodAPI>
Looking through the tables I can't find a field PurchaseOrderRef for the table purchaseorderline. ...
I beleive so.
Here are example contents of the arrays. recordID is the value passed back from athe API after adding the Purchase Order.
arrNames = ['Item', 'PurchaseOrderRecordID', 'Rate', 'Quantity']
arrValues = ['100381', recordID, 12.23, 22.00]
yes, I am using the zeep SOAP client for python.
I have successfully inserted purchase orders to the purchaseorder table.
But I get this error when I try to insert purchase order line items to the purchaseorderline table for the previously inserted purchase order.
The issue is with the purchaseorderline table. I am trying to insert values for Item, PurchaseOrderRecordID, Rate, and Quantity.
Before trying to insert to the purchaseorderline table I have succesfully inserted a Purchase Order to the purchaseorder table.
Here are the parameters for the failing API call.
parameters = {
I'm getting the message:
There was an error in MethodAPIinsertV2
This message is not much to go on. Can you guys shed some light? Account is "mchtechmsp"
This worked for me when trying to use insertV2 on the purchaseorder table, but when trying to insert into the purchaseorderline table I keep getting the error message "There was an error in MethodAPIinsertV2".
Here are the fields I'm trying to pass.
Okay, I don't have any experience with SOAP API's. This is my attempt at using zeep, but I get the same error for the "VendorRef" this time. Do you have an example by chance? Thanks for the help!
d =
txnDate = str(d.strftime("%m/%d/%y"))
#Get authentication
file = open('config.txt', ...
I'm trying to make a POST request for MethodAPIInsertV2 to the purchaseorder table. I get a response saying "Not all required fields are present. Required field TxnDate is not passed for the table purchaseorder"
I have included the TxnDate in the passed parameters. Here is my code...
d = ...
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