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i wouldnt do any extra items or classes or anything like that--
what u can do is under the "additional info" tab of the customer in the customer center you can define custom
fields for each commission type..
then you can add these fields to your sales order or invoice form and fill them out at time ...
can they be setup to be auto emailed out
nevermind i figured it out by adding a linked field from the customer table
how can i change the screen to show only job name on the left side list not customer name+jobname?
i have many jobs per customer and would prefer to show list by only job name..
i could not find a job name only field in the estimate table.. can it be parsed out?
i have recently downloaded and have started playing w/ method..
i have a question though on if the add invoices based on sales orders or estimates
is going to be implemented like the quickbooks ui and also the recieve materials against purchase orders?
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