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I've restarted QB several times, no help. I'm not aware of having a business consultant, how would I find out who that is?
Why would my Method Push Status say Not Connected? and how do I connect it? The changes I post do not automatically appear I have to manually synch or wait until the regularly scheduled changes only synch.
Today I'm able to do it! I must have been doing something wrong... :)
BatesCoughtryReissLLP is the account name. I beleive I am following your instructions but not getting those results. If you could look at the account I'd appreciate it.
I just tried it and I'm able to add a line to the BOM but when I click Update the newly added line disappears & I'm left with the BOM as created originally in QB. What am I missing? Thanks!
Any progress? I still can't make it work..
Is it possible to write a Job Cost report for display on a screen? I don't seem to be able to link multiple tables. I would need to pull from the Invoice, InvoiceLineItem, BillLineITem, CheckLineItem all linked on the Customer field. Also can I add tables to a report once the report has been created?
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