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I agree,
It was a nightmare working with this. The documentation was horrible and then having API calls that are avaiable with abousolutely no documentation was unreal... I honestly couldnt believe it - coming from an established CRM company - this is completely unacceptable.
And the task that we were trying to perform was a very common ...
Thank you.
How about MethodAPIGetScreenURLV3 or MethodAPIGetScreenURLV4? Do those work to generate a URL for the new version of method?
The version 3 and version 4 of the call also have TabName and TabLinkName parameters... And those parameters appear to be the only way to tell the system what screen your trying to get a URL for.
I've ...
I'm trying to use MethodAPIGetScreenURLV2 call to generate a MethodCRM URL to view a specific contact.
I'm having difficulty with the call. I can get it to successfully send the call, however, it either fails due to TabLinkName & TabName not being valid or in the one case I've gotten it to work (based on ...
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