Method Community



Page 1 of 1 (4 items)
  • Error while customizing view/pay invoice

    Hi Team, I am facing the below error when I click "email" button in the invoice screen. I am trying some customizations on the View Invoice and Pay Now buttons.  Error message "A008 - Error: Invalid Contact Record Id" More information: Line - 16 Loop through Table  Line20: CreateShortUrl. Please ...
    Posted to Method:API Q&A (Forum) by AswinChepuri on 05-05-2020
  • Re: Payment postback

    Thank you Paul. Your help is greatly appreciated.  I am able to get pass through it. Now I am unable to understand what value should I pass for the "Deposit To Account" field. I understand it is the account to which the money should be deposited but where I can find the account number to pass through for this field. Thanks ...
    Posted to Method:API Q&A (Forum) by AswinChepuri on 03-31-2020
  • Re: Payment postback

    Thank you Paul. I am trying to use MethodAPI soap service client to insert data into ReceivePayment table. When I hit the service method I got the below response. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252" ?><MethodAPI response = "Not all required fields are present. Required field CustomerRef is not ...
    Posted to Method:API Q&A (Forum) by AswinChepuri on 03-31-2020
  • Payment postback

    We need some more help regarding posting back a payment to the Method. We have looked into the reference links shared. We saw the Method CRM portal and there are number of tables already present. PaymentTransactionLog is one among them which I thought is the table to write a record for posting back a payment. I tried using the web service method ...
    Posted to Method:API Q&A (Forum) by AswinChepuri on 03-28-2020
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