However, in my Customer table, I do have a field named "Customer". That is why I get caught. I was using the regular script, since there was a option "Customer" in the dropdown list, I chose it. What could be the reason that my Customer table has a "Customer" field? I did have the Warehouse module installed once, and ...
I found out the problem was due to the Where clause.
I can NOT use where Customer='whatever', instead, I have to use FullName='TheValue'
No need to reply, just to let other people keep this in mind.
Can not retrieve value from Customer Table.
What is wrong with Customer Table?
Forget about this,
I found out it is the Customer Table causing the problem, not the field.
I have problems when trying to update a field of type YesNo.
It always gives an error, so what value should I put in the "Type In" field.
I tried "Yes", "No", "True","False", and it just does not work.
Could somebody help me out here?
That's what I thought.
As long as I know it will cause a split, I will just make sure that there are no commas before join another one.
Thanks, btw, does it matter if in one of my values there is already a comma?
I know I could use a shared result, however, my question was how do I build the list?
which means that I will have a list of values need to be stroed in the shared result, so how do I "Join" multiple values into a Shared Result, so that later on when I use it, it will looks like a list in stead of a long string?
Thanks Ryan.
I thought there would be already a field doing that in the ItemReceiptLineItem table, and there is a field called "LinkToPurchaseOrder" which does that. However, as I mentioned in one of my previous post, that field will be emptied as soon as that ItemReceipt has been saved. When I just select the PO, and before I save the ...
I see there is an option when I try to filter a grid, called "Build Selection List",
and after I choose that option, I have some other options for the list: Type In, Value From Screen, Value From Session, Get Value From Shared Result.
I'd like to know how can I build up the list into a Shared Result so that I can use it in the ...