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I am going to modify my Add/Edit Work Order screen by adding additional entries for the field "Assigned to" to see if it will let me assign more than one worker to a work order.
Will this work? Or will it cause things to blow up?
Is there only a 1:1 relationship between "work order" and "assigned ...
Thanks! I'll give it a shot
In the Field Service Center / My Calendar tab - in the box where
Assigned to users are listed (Lower left), there is a column next to
"Assigned Users" called "Grouping." What is that for?
I am trying to find a way to assign more than one employee (Assigned User) to a work order.
any given day, I may have ...
I have successfully modified my invoice. I have one problem that I'm hoping someone can help me with:
Looking just at Billing Address, I have four fields vertically aligned:
Bill Address Addr1
Bill Address Addr2
Bill Address Addr3
Invoice Bill Address City, ...State, ...Zip
Some invoices have Addr1 and Addr2, some have ...
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