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How do you add additional fields to the Toolbox so that they can be imported into a screen?
Example: In the estimate screen, I want to be able to add fields to the Toolbox from a custom table that I created called PropertyInfo so that I can add that information to the Estimate Screen.
How do I do that?
How do I add a new field to the "Field List" in the report designer?
Example: I am using the "Simple Estimate" template in Report Designer. In the Field List there are the following: Company, Estimate, Estimate Line. I would like to add "Customer" to the Field List and also a custom table i created called ...
I created a custom table and called it "PropertyInformation" I want it to show on the "Customers" screen along side of the fields: Address Info, Additional Info, Payment & Job Info, Transactions, Activities & Work Orders fields. How do I do that?
Looked at the webinars on Report Designer prior to posing this question. I have also used the Report Designer to customize reports before contacting you today. The fields that I wish to add are not in the Field List Window. For example, in the "Simple Estimate" template, there is no "Customer Phone" available. ...
We are a service business. Our work is done at customer sites. How can we customize certain forms such as estimates, work orders, sales orders and invoices to include customer "Ship to" (what we call "site") addresses, contact names and phone numbers?
In the Customer Center, Customer Tab, On the "Additional Info" Screen, in the drop down "Sales Tax Code" field what is the default setting? Most of our work is in Oregon where there is no Sales Tax. I would like to set the default to "Non" tax. Is that possible?
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