Method Community



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  • Re: Questions for a newbie

    [quote user="Method_Ronen"] Hi khorner,  The reason that you are not able to see the contact information on the work order is because the contact information is not added directly to the new work order.  The best way to make sure that the information gets passed on to the report is by creating a linked field in the activity ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by khorner on 02-21-2012
  • Re: Questions for a newbie

     I looked at the detail header in fieldservice_workorder and it does not contain anything for the contact information, only company name. I added the fields for the contact information to a test report and nothing shows. i have data in those fields in my customer list. Any ideas?
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by khorner on 02-20-2012
  • Re: Questions for a newbie

    Hey Ronen, Thanks for your detailed answers. For me it was much easier to start from scratch as the report I wanted to create was very different (as far as the look and feel) than the WorkOrder report. I was incorrect when I gave you the field names that I had in the report. I had the ones you listed and still no contact information shows up and ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by khorner on 02-15-2012
  • Questions for a newbie

    Hello, just signed up over the weekend and started playing around with the sytstem to fit my needs. I have run into some questions/issues with the report designer and was wondering if I could get some help. 1) Is there a support documentation or training manual for the designer showing the fields and how they relate ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by khorner on 02-13-2012
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