Method Community



Page 1 of 1 (6 items)
  • Diff between Opportunity Table fields Contact* and Contacts*

    Hello, There are several fields in the Opportunity Table that seem to be for identical information. For Example: ContactEmail and ContactsEmail ContactMobile and ContactsMobile ContactName and ContactsName ContactPhone and ContactsPhone When/why are the Contact* verses the Contacts* fields used? What other ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Lisakay on 12-19-2012
  • Assigning Leads to different users and having those show in their lists

    Hello, I am trying to figure out how to recieve leads then assign those leads to another user and have that user be able to see the lead in their list. I don't want them to see all of the leads just ones that I assign to them. I know where to assign "Access to Shared Records" under users but I don't want them to see all of ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Lisakay on 10-31-2012
  • Re: Customization for Tables and Screens

    Yes we will be using Quickbooks for the accounting portion.  As far as the relationship between the Sales Reps and the Subs go, I will try an give you enough detail for a foundation. We will have several Sales Reps and each rep will have several Accounts (Acct). Our Acct will provide us leads.  Those leads will be assigned to a Sub. ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Lisakay on 10-31-2012
  • Re: Customization for Tables and Screens

    Okay, what I am trying to accomplish is a way to track everyone associated with a customer. Our Sales reps and Subs get paid a percentage of the invoiced amount for the customer and we need to know who gets paid for a given customer.  Any suggestions? Thanks, Lk
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Lisakay on 10-31-2012
  • Re: Customization for Tables and Screens

    Hi Ashur, Thank you for your help. I created the new field Sub in the Customer table and added it to my Edit/New Customer screens. All good here. Can I some how associate or push that information chosen for the sub-contractor to the custome field in quickbooks with Actions? Also, is there a way to get the Sales Reps' and Subs' name ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Lisakay on 10-31-2012
  • Customization for Tables and Screens

    Hello, In Quickbooks you can add "Custom Field" (For example Sub-contractor, Claim #...) in the Additional Info section for a custom, vendor or emmployee. These then become a "field" in the respective tables. What I'd like to have the fability to have the "Sub-contractor" field be a drop down with ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Lisakay on 10-30-2012
Page 1 of 1 (6 items)