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Does Method allow either RMS soap or ADL OODC connections and if so which one?
I'm trying to add a field to an existing dropdown menu I created . The intuitive way you would think this would work does not seem to be for me. Can someone provide directions as to how I would go about adding additional choices to my dropdowns.
I have two questions...
1) Are you able to adjust the session timout length?
2) One of my users is trying to synch using both the full and changes only synch methods and is getting the spinning wheel for about 4-5 seconds and the screen returns and to it's previous state. The synch is not going through for some reason. They are ...
I am trying to edit existing dropdowns to add selections to the existing list. I cannot seem to find the screen to add options. I've looked in the tables and tried to edit edit the fields but it doesn't give any options to add fields. It seems the only way to add fields is to delete the existing dropdown and add a new one. Is this the ...
I am trying to mass delete all opportunities in an effort to clear all data out of my account to start over. Ive already deleted all customers but now I have contacts and opportunites that I need to delete preferrably not one at a time. I've created a button and grid that will loop through a grid to mass delete the customers but ...
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