How do I see what date and time the other users have logged into method if I have administrator permission settings?
Also (not trying to be a bother with all of this) is there a way to restore a customer (a different one than the one asked about above) if it has been deleted from method but not from quickbooks so it is still visible now in method but it cannot be editted etc?
I tried that and now the problems start occurring when I add the third dropdown field when all three are pulling from the Record ID field. Since this is in the editing stages before any large number of entries have been linked and what not I just ended up creating dropdown objects that then push the selection choice to a text field. While it may ...
It may be because of fullname duplicates then because it is when I am adding the dropdown fields into the custom screen that it messes up. The selection list is not empty though. Instead of having the option of choosing RecordID which normally would be my choice since there are duplicates, it states another option that has no records within it ...
Also do the lead and customer screens need to be the same since they are both based on one table or can they be unique as in have certain fields put into the screen on one and other fields put into the other? I ask only in terms of would this affect dropdowns the way that I described?
Since the update, there have been some problems with some dropdowns that I added in to the customer table. They were pulling from the record ID's of every customer and lead and then filtered through another field. The problem is that the selection for creating the dropdown list via the record ID goes blank after so much time/adding a third ...
Specifically I would like to be able to display the company name in this email notification not just the contact name. I found the email template for this notification but now I cannot make the company name be displayed.
What screen is associated with the New Activity Notifications ie. the email that is sent out to notify an employee that an activity has been assigned to them with the minimum contact details of the customer it is associated with. What I want to be able to do is edit what information is sent out in that email notification. Is this even ...
If there are inactive contacts are they still considered duplicates by method ie. when creating a dropdown you cannot make it show the fullname option?
I was putting a space in the caption of the dropdown field, and when I removed it it started to work again.