I had the same issue back in 2013, and I got around it using curl:
OK, so with your explanation and some testing, I see that we can post the name without the ID, and have the ID autocorrect to the matched name. Awesome! That resolves the issue for us.
Here is the structure:
Vendor Table
Vendor Name
Event Table
Event Name
Role Table
Role Name
Assignment Table
Event Record_ID (Link)
Role Record_ID (Link)
Role Name (Link)
Vendor Record_ID (Link)
Vendor (Link)
Arrival Time
Departure Time
During the operational ...
Hi Paul!
Thanks for the response. Maybe we're going about this the wrong way; if so, perhaps you could provide some guidance:
I have a table which stores event roles, and we need to be able to add or delete vendors to rows in that table via the API. They're currently connected as linked ...
Hey guys, any word on this? Phone support said to post here, but I'm not getting any feedback.
We talked to support and they said to post here with the relevant bits, so here goes:
I'm testing calls to the API to update a record using MethodAPIUpdate V2. This is the request (anonymized):
account login password NovaEventsVendors Vendor Vendor_RecordID Unassigned 5501 1042
This is what comes back:
Hey Tate, I know it's probably too late, but I found I had a fair few issues with getting Method to work at first using PHP and the Method API. I've had a bit of success now, but here's the basics for cURL:
If you're still stuck, drop me a message.
Absolutely, Dave. Thank you again for your help.
Thank you thank you thank you gbisaga! This is EXACTLY what I was looking for!
Hey, I'm totally down with a hangout IRL, and I'll keep the beers flowing the enire time (as long as we can talk shop). :D