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I am having trouble getting a route list to print in the proper sort order.
I have assigned each work order its own sort value (1-20) and it apoears in order on screen, but not when I print a Route List.
It prints in correct order when mapping, just not when I print a route list.
OK, thank you. I am eager to get an answer on this. I'm currently too busy to spend the time needed to figure out the report designer and try and come up with a solution on my own. Also, what is the best way to learn the ins and outs of the Report Designer.?
Thanks Adam,
Is there a Method report I can access that will produce a weekly payroll/time report?
We like to give our employees a record of the job sites that they were at for the week showing the hours they worked there.
After we enter times and complete jobs in Method Scheduling & Invoicing we like to run a report in Quickbooks to verify our entries.
The times entered on the Method side come in as Pacific Time (3 hours back-we are east coast) in Quickbooks. My computers clock is correct.
Thanks again Adam. It's a bit confusing because you have two areas where you can enter time, but only one screen allows materials/product entry. That weas the missing piece.
Thanks Adam.
Yes, I am aware of the check box to keep the items from showing on invoices, thanks.
In your example, you are showing service items. What about products. How/where do I enter actual product usage?
Do I have to marke the p[roduct as an inventory item in QB?
I just don't see anywhere to add actual product usage and ...
I've only been using Method for about a month, I'm a former QXpress user. I have figured out how to enter employee times for job costing work orders and generating Job Summary Reports. Up until now our jobs have been labor only (ie: Spring Clean Up; Gutter Cleaning etc.). Now we are beginning jobs that have materials. We bill a ...
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