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Thank you, if you can take a find anything, that would be great.
(I did figure out how to hide columns from some users - I made two copies of the screen, one with extra columns and one without. Then everywhere that screen is linked to I replace with a conditional statement "if user group = 'crm'; show edit_workorder_v1; end ...
Okay, thanks for taking a look Adam.
What about hiding those columns from all users? Would that be possible to do without screwing up the billing?
I am trying to figure out a way to hide the cost of job items from some users while still allowing them to modify the qty and add new job items to the list. I have created a custom copy of the "Add/Edit Work Order screen" for these users.
On the job items grid, I tried removing the columns for "rate" and ...
I had the same problem for a while- I *think* that I fixed it by checking the "Can Grow" box when editing the Activities grid.
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