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Nevermind - I figured it out...
In report designer, using the "CRM_CaseList_withActivities" report. I was wondering if there was a way to filter the activites so that it only shows the last activity instead of all the activities.
When in the "Add/Edit Contact" screen, there is not way to change the "Contact Type". Is there any easy way to change that. We have some customer that have 3-4 contacts, but we would like to choose which one post to Quickbooks. Also, when youre adding a second contact to a customer, there is no way to assign it as the ...
I have customized a new "Customer List" for my "Customers" tab. Instead of using the "Contacts" table, I am using the "Customers" table. I have done this in order to be able to make changes directly from the Customer List. My only problem is that we still want to be able to search for all contacts not ...
Hi Ben,
Yes I am using the stock screen of CRM_CustomerList. I have made a copy of it to make edits but it is still the original screen. I have since deleted what I have done because it is not in working conditions at this point and dont want my employees using it until I have the dropdowns working properly. Since the CRM_CustomerList is attached ...
So after making a grid editable, I am trying to make the SalesRep a dropdown. I was able to get the dropdown to show up in the grid with all the Sales Reps initial but if a Sales Rep has already been assigned to a contact, it is not showing up. How do I get the dropdown to automatically populate the current Sales Rep?
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