Method Community



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  • Leads to Customers transition

    Hey Method folks, My question is regarding the Lead to Customer transition. Basically, we do a lot of work with very large universities with tons of different contacts and different departments. The problem is that all these leads we are gathering are starting to overlap “customer names” (they are all from the same ...
  • Re: How to create "Tags"

    Hi Jason, Ahhhh. I see it now. That little tag icon was hiding in the top left corner the whole time. Thank you very much for the help! Regards, Jesse
  • How to create "Tags"

    Hello, We are currently loading up our Leads and Customers as of right now and I was just wondering what exactly the Tags section of the Customer List are. I'm assuming it's tags as in key words for filtering. That being said, how do we enter those? How do they work? Our customer list will eventually become quite large and if this ...
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