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Recently it seems like some of the "Money" fields on screens of displaying leading "$" as "$ $". It doesn't seem to happen the first time it load...but second time has this appears fairly consistently.
I'm wondering if it's a regression issue with the latest release.
Something else I tried. Getting the numeric value...finding the "." with the character function...offsetting by 3 additional places and getting the left part via the character function again. That seems to work...but it seems like an insane work around to just format a random number that was originally a money field to look like money ...
So here's something I tried.
I created a new table called "aaaaa". I created one column called "dollarsandcents" in it of type "Money" and I created a default screen to go along with it. On that automatically created screen I added a new section with a text box. I then extended the "select" action on ...
I'm trying to send out an email with details that include some dollar amounts. It seems like when I put the amounts into Action Result I can't seem to get $$$ formating. Is there some way of limiting to 2 decimal places as well as inject commas?
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