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Thanks Fran. I had not used the Relate capability. It is a little clunky, but seems to work for my usage model.
THanks! Drew
Thank you Justin!
Thank you for the prompt reply.
The Method email capability is very rudimentary. Seems a sound product strategy is to provide greater integration of the CRM with more robust email clients. I assume that is exactly why you have the Gmail Gadget and Outlook Plugin.
You indicated it isn’t possible to update ...
An alternative way I have found, instead of going to your Sent folder, is to refresh your browser window after you send the Gmail. The gadget then shows up on the sent message.
I'm a heavy user of the Gmail gadget to track all my correspondence in Method CRM, and find it works really well. One feature I use regularly is the ability to schedule a follow-up activity in the future when I am adding an activity. I have struggled though in being able to track the Gmail correspondence, as I have ...
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