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I had track locations turned on in QBs, but there is no such function in Method, so I'm assuming you were referring to QB. I understand the process you're describing in Method...but, I cannot find the "locations" field. We looked for "locations" and "territories" and "departments" in the ...
This may be a quickbooks question, but I'll give it a shot since we're trying to do as much inside Method as we can. I have been able to configure the gateway and corresponding sync between, the transaction data loads just fine. However, I can't figure out how to get those credit card payments to auto-post to ...
I can't seem to find where Territories (Departments) are used in Method. My objective is to assign Customers to Territories (or Departments, which is the term Method appears to use).
To test this morning I added four new "Territories" in Quickbooks. I then manually sync'd Method with Quickbooks. The ...
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