Method Community



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  • Re: Dropdown issue

    Audisho - That fixed my problem. THANKS! At risk of sounding like a whiner or a technophobe - this is not particularly intuitive. Once you create a dropdown field, it appears in multiple editable locations: the field, the table, in whatever screen you've installed it, its own screen, etc. And then you have to know whether to "Edit" ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by bcstlmo on 06-29-2015
  • Re: Dropdown issue

    It's a dropdown object I added. The may be actions on the DD clearing the value but I've tried a lot of different settings and combinations and am stuck. I'd love some advice.
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by bcstlmo on 06-29-2015
  • Re: Dropdown issue

    Audisho - Thanks for the quick response. I was using Chrome and have followed your suggestions. I cleared Chrome's browsing history and cookies. No help. Then I went Incognito. Same result.  I then tried IE with same results.  See my screen shot. Here's a more detailed ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by bcstlmo on 06-29-2015
  • Dropdown issue

    I am a brand new Method user and am having problems getting my first dropdown field set up properly. Here's the main issue:  When I access the field and prepare to select one of the dropdown choices, the choice I click on does not appear in the field. I can see the list of choices and it pulls down like I'd expect. But when I click ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by bcstlmo on 06-29-2015
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