Wondering if I can get any assistance with mapping fields from a Gravity Form field to existing Method fields using the Zapier app.
I have mapped my form fields to custom fields in Zapier, but it's not clear to me how those would get connected to Method fields. Perhaps I should use the Method variable names in the ...
Here is a post with a working PHP / Gravity Forms example:
I got it to work. Here is a post with a working PHP example:
Here is a post with a working PHP example:
Here's the post referencing a working example:
I was having trouble myself finding any fully working examples of the Method API in PHP or, better yet, a PHP example that was integrating data from a WordPress Gravity Forms form into the API call. I've figured it out and thought I'd post in case others found themselve in a similar situation.
I ended up using ...
Thanks, Jonathan. I have actually made some headway. Once I've got everything 100% working I'll create a new post with a WordPress Gravity Forms PHP example, something that I and a few others had been looking for. I post a reference in this thread as well.
Checking in again to see if anyone can assist. Is this message happening in error for some reason? It seems like it is a generic message and not valid? Would be great if anyone could shed some light on this.
Thank you, I also heard this from my client's Method consultant but hadn't yet updated this thread. Thank you! We are in classic.
I have been trying to use the API through a variety of methods I've seen in the forums.... and all of them return the same result:
Failure. The API could not validate your log in. Please make sure you have entered the correct Company Account, User and Password, and that each are spelt correctly. Also, ensure that this User has been configured ...